“Connecting with Self and Others through Voice”

March 12, 2016 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Hope Floats
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
Denise Brack

EMILY“Connecting with Self and Others through Voice

Emily Browder Melville

Investment: $45 – REGISTER HERE
Singing can be a powerful pathway between our bodies and our spirits – bringing solace and connection with ourselves and others.  In this workshop, perfect for novice and experienced singers alike, we will explore how to free our voices by deepening our breath, releasing neck, jaw, and tongue tensions, and enjoying the comforting and empowering vibrations that occur while singing.  Our session will be heart-centered, gentle, and compassionate, giving you the opportunity to connect deeply with yourself and with others in the group.
Emily Browder Melville is chair of the voice department at South Shore Conservatory and is a member of their creative arts therapy department.  She is a board-certified Music Therapist, a certified Wellness Inventory facilitator, was certified in Voice Movement Therapy, and is pursuing registration as a somatic therapist.  Emily is step-mother to Andrew and Jordan Melville (12 and 10, respectively), and mother to twins Jane Lavender (18 months) and Alice Love, who was delivered stillborn at 29 weeks gestation.  Emily treasures the opportunity to connect with others with an open heart, and honors each person’s unique journey.

How you help make a difference….Each time you take a workshop, class or get a treatment at Hope Floats you support the Hope Floats Foundation. A portion of fees provide free support groups, hospice programs and grants for individuals facing financial difficulties who need our services. Thank you for your support!

Hope Floats Healing and Wellness Center is a non-profit foundation with 501(c)(3) status offering educational, support and wellness services. 
PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED. For more information contact Hope Floats at 781-936-8068 ext.1.  No Credits or Refunds ~ (Given only if the event is cancelled or at the discretion of the Hope Floats Director)